CRDT works throughout Cambodia, with diverse communities. Follow the links below to locate our field offices, learn about our beneficiaries and read case studies of those whom CRDT has helped.
CRDT works throughout Cambodia, with diverse communities. Over 80% of our projects focus on northeast Cambodia, especially Kratie, Stung Treng and Mondulkiri provinces. Over 60% of our projects are in protected areas, such as the River Dolphin Management Area, Stung Treng Ramsar Site and Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary.
CRDT focuses on working with the rural poor, especially in environmentally sensitive areas. We work with small scale farmers in villages. More than 20% of our projects involve Indigenous people, such as the Phnong in Mondulkiri or the Koy in Kratie and Stung Treng.
Read how CRDT has brought benefits to local people, changing the lives of people like Sodany, a 21-year-old girl living in Chetr Borey district, who joined one of our youth-led social and emotional learning groups, or Sophea and her family in Dar village who plan to grow coconuts as part of a project to reclaim unproductive land for community agroforestry.